Sunday 23 October 2011


Model It!
From this workshop, I learnt how to make models from a plan. I realised that in making model, every detail need to be precised, such as the measurement, every mm can make a difference. I also learnt some new tools and materials in making model, such as scalpel to cut small pieces of balsa. Moreover, model is really important in architecture as it communicates architect and clients. Overall, I enjoyed this workshop as I improved my skills in making model.

Draw It!
In this workshop, I learnt how to draw standard graphic method for architectural drawing. Moreover I also learnt technique of rendering. I found some difficulty in drawing small details but I managed to do it quite neatly. Overall, this workshop was fun, since it's my first time to learn these things, but in the future, I still need to practice more on rendering.

Montage It!
From this workshop, I learnt lots of new things. At first, I thought montage is similar with collage, but it's different. Montaging is more 3D than collages. I put lots of thought in making the model, such as how the lights project in the interior space. I also learnt new technique in photoshop as I tried montage 3 different photos. For the flipbook, it's quite interesting since it's like making animation in adobe flash, but I'm the one who draw each frame. Overall, although I was quite confused of the brief, I managed to produce the photomontages of day and night.

Montage It! Poster

Montage It! Week four

The final model.
This model has been developed from the last model. I added more cubes to make the range of the cubes' size bigger. In the photo, I also played how the light projects into the interior space

The idea of these photomontage: contrast the view of a man in a small island with the view of a city with high buildings. I used the same photo for both day and night because I want to show the difference of the atmosphere between day and night.


Montage It! Week Three

The Second model. I changed the material into clay, since it shows heaviness, rather that using balsa in the first model. In the second model, I tried to arrange the cube to produce an interior space.
The idea of this photomontage is trying to make the model become one with the landscape
Concept of the photo is an isolated island with the calm ocean

Montage It! Week Two

The concept is from Cubico.

When I saw this, it looks like made from joining a lot of cubes with different sizes, so I made some cubes and try to re-arrange it.

First Model
